Home / Armenia / Armenian Demonstrators Say ‘Hurriyya!’ in Front of Egyptian Embassy in Yerevan

Armenian Demonstrators Say ‘Hurriyya!’ in Front of Egyptian Embassy in Yerevan

A few dozen people had gathered in front of the Egyptian embassy in the Armenian capital of Armenia as a sign of support for the anti-government protestors in Egypt. Demo organizers say they’re concerned with developments in Egypt.

“We’ve gathered here to show our support for the Egyptian people’s demonstrated resolve in the fight against tyranny. We also express our condolences to Egyptians for the victims and those wounded in the struggle for freedom, democracy and human rights,” one of the organizers, Artur Minasyan, told journalists.

Demonstrators were chanting “Free, independent Egypt!” and “Hurriyya!” (which means “freedom” in Arabic). People had brought posters with them on which it was written “Murabak, resign” (in Arabic), “No one is free, while others are oppressed” and “Struggle, struggle till the end” (both in English).

Speaking to Epress.am, Minasyan said the social situation that currently exists in Armenia essentially is very much like that in Egypt.

“Such a development in events which will bring the revolutionary wave to Armenia is not ruled out,” he said.