Home / Provinces / Yazidi Village in Armenia Deprived of Water

Yazidi Village in Armenia Deprived of Water

A water pumping station failure in the Yazidi-inhabited village of Tlik in Armenia’s Aragatsotn province has deprived the village of their water supply, Sinjar Yazidi National Union non-profit reported on Sunday.

“The village has been without water for over 20 days. The villagers have bought a new pump on their own money, but it turns out that they can’t replace the old one because it is located in an area which is under the control of Russian armed forces. The villagers have been told by the officers guarding the territory that they need a pass to enter the area; however, it is unknown who they need to get the pass from. They have applied to the National Security Service for a pass, but the appeal has been left unresponded,” Sinjar head Boris Murazi said.

According to Murazi, the villagers, who are mostly engaged in cattle breeding, have been deprived of water sources for supporting their livestock; “The villagers mainly buy their drinking water and use this water pump station for domestic purposes. The village authorities are neglecting the issue, so I urge all human rights organizations and media representatives to keep the issue in the spotlight.”