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European Party Calls on Armenia to Release All Political Prisoners

The European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDR) is calling on Armenian authorities “for the immediate release of all political prisoners.”

In a press release on the party’s website, ELDR President Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck said: 

“Armenia, being a member of the Council of Europe, should immediately release all political prisoners as freedom of speech and freedom of opinion are central values of the Council of Europe. Keeping people in prison for political reasons and denying them the right to due process of law is contrary to the basic obligations of member states of the Council of Europe and will certainly hinder the process of rapprochement between Armenia and the European Union.”

On July 17, the Armenian National Movement (ANM), which became a full ELDR member party from March this year, had sent a letter of appeal to ELDR.

“The existence of political prisoners in a member-state of the European Council is a scandal not just for our country, but for Europe. We believe that their release should become a matter of honor especially for the liberal-democratic parties of Europe. Hence we appeal to you to exercise your influence both with your governments and with the relevant international organizations to help the cause of their release. That will make the participation of the Armenian National Movement in the family of European liberals particularly meaningful, and will also increase the respect for liberal values and principles in the eyes of the Armenian society,” reads the ANM appeal, in part.