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Earthquake in Jermuk, Armenia

On Nov. 29, at 7:51 pm local time, 10 km northeast from the city of Jermuk in Armenia, an earthquake measuring 1.8 on the Richter magnitude scale took place, reports Emergency Channel information center.

At 7:52 pm, 7:58 pm, 8:12 pm, 8:22 pm and 8:45 pm local time, earthquakes measuring 2.3, 1.4, 2.0, 2.4 and 1.4, respectively, also took place in the same area. 

The magnitude of the epicenter of the 8:22 pm earthquake was 3. The earthquake was registered in a number of Armenian homes, in particular, in the city of Jermuk, and in the villages of Gndevaz and Kechut. There is no destruction recorded.