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Diesel Fuel Theft Chain Exposed in the Armenian Armed Forces

Recently, an entire chain of diesel fuel thefts has been exposed in the Armed Forces of Armenia, which involves about several tens of tons of stolen diesel, Armenian "Zhoghovurd" newspaper reported on Thursday, May 21. 

According to the daily, a criminal case was initiated, and ten people have already been charged with the alleged crime. Among them, commanders of battalions and military units, employees of logistics departments of military units, and even a head of a community.

“It has long been obvious that a large part of the Armenian Armed Forces' leadership has accumulated an untold amount of wealth and continues to do so at the expense of the funds allocated to the army. It's enough to pay attention to what cars these officials drive and what palaces they build. The strangest thing about this story is that they decided to punish someone after all," the newspaper wrote.