Home / Ecology / Second Rockfall in Two Months Injures Another Miner in Armenia

Second Rockfall in Two Months Injures Another Miner in Armenia

A miner was seriously injured on Thursday after a rockfall occurred  in an underground mine in Armenia’s Lori Province operated by the Akhtala Mining and Processing Enterprise, the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement. 49-year-old G. V., according to officials, was taken out from under the rocks by rescuers and rushed to hospital.

Recall, a 38-year-old miner was killed last month in the same mine in similar circumstances.

Representatives of the Akhtala Mining and Processing Enterprise refused to comment on the incident, claiming that they were not authorized to in the absence of director Lyova Vardanyan.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in turn, told Epress.am that the authorities were conducting a probe to establish whether the management of the industrial facility had failed to ensure proper safety standards for its employees.