Azerbaijan withdrawing its resolution from the UN General Assembly was more so the outcome of work by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and the Great Powers than activities carried out by the Republic of Armenia, said Caucasus Institute Director Alexander Iskandaryan at a press conference today (yes, on a Saturday).
In his words, resolving such an issue at the UN is impossible.
“Azerbaijan moving the issue to the United Nations platform is more so connected to Azerbaijan’s upcoming parliamentary elections: it wasn’t for the real resolution of the issue,” he said.
“If you want to resolve an issue or at least not worsen a situation,” said Iskandaryan, “it must be resolved in that format in which it exists, no matter how bad the format is.”
“But if you want certain campaign dividends, in this case the issue can be moved to the UN, or wherever. What do the Great Powers need campaign dividends for?” concluded the analyst.