US Ambassador to Armenia Marie L. Yovanovitch on Monday visited and spoke privately with Heritage Party founder and leader Raffi Hovannisian, who has been on a hunger strike in Yerevan’s Liberty Square since Mar. 15.
The correspondent asked Hovannisian whether the US ambassador persuaded him to stop his hunger strike.
“It happens in a man’s life that silence is more powerful than words, a demand, an ultimatum; so, during the ambassador’s visit, discussing my health issues, the domestic political situation today, the beauty of Liberty Square, there were no words to persuade me to stop the hunger strike, but that was more felicitous and louder than any spoken words could be,” he said.
Asked by that, finally, is he not preparing to end his hunger strike considering all the appeals, the MP said:
“I feel responsibility toward thousands of my fellow citizens; it pains me that they are in pain for me; of course, their appeal is close to my heart and when my time [presumably to end the hunger strike] comes, that will also be a basis. But I’ve come to Liberty Square with my civic will and it is my will that will decide the term, accepting all these appeals as spiritual strength.”