It can’t be said the Armenia is among those countries in the world with the highest internet penetration. According to various estimates, about 5–12% of the approximately 3 million people living in Armenia have periodic and continuous access to the Internet. In the region, the cost of internet is the most expensive in Armenia (excluding Iran); the quality of the connection, the poorest. The average cost: $20 US for 1MB/sec.
Despite this fact, many psychologists, clergymen and “other pioneers preserving the moral values of our ancestors” from time to time, on television and through other media, including through websites, warn of the danger that awaits Armenians in the Internet.
Through posters plastered on nearly all pillars in the capital Yerevan, the Mek Azg (“One Nation”) union issues various warnings to its fellow citizens such as “Cuckolds, keep an eye on your girlfriends’ exposed bellybuttons!” and “No to pro-Turkish America, Yes to Russia!” Lately, one more poster has been added: “No to erotic websites!”
This “movement” has even made it to the inside of subway cars, where the following poster was recently seen: “Internet = perversion = indifference = destruction”. attempted to find out from random passers-by their attitude toward the internet:
Arpi, 32, works in a photocopy center
– The Internet has done a lot for me. I found work, I got married; I have many friends in different countries around the world. But children should be kept away from the computer; there are many superfluous things there.
– And did anyone keep you away from the computer?
– No, I was already an adult and independent when I began to use the computer. But my parents till today can’t imagine what that [i.e a computer] is.
Vardges, 47, taxi driver
– We got a computer on loan for my son and daughter. Then, during the rallies, each was describing something or another that they found out from the Internet. I got my son to teach me how to access different sites. He isn’t happy, of course. But I read the news only online. On TV, I only watch films. Though, to tell the truth, until today I don’t understand how all of this is placed online. Well you can explain it.
– And do you supervise your kids?
– And, what, can they be supervised? Don’t believe anyone who tells you that it’s possible. And this crap, without the Internet, it was enough… But apart from that, I also play backgammon and billiards with foreigners [online]. It’s not bad that I, sitting here, can win against someone from China or Australia.
Lusine, 22, literature specialist
– The Internet is for me, first and foremost, a very quick source of information, which allows me to save time. The Internet also plays a positive role from the perspective of the democratization of society. It’s easier to organize protests; it’s easier to conspire — to move along the path of freedom.
Games and other entertainment sites aren’t for me: I don’t understand their point. But I wouldn’t ban such sites. I don’t have the right to prohibit anyone’s interests; for many, it’s probably necessary.
Sveta, 65, bread vendor
– I’ve heard about the Internet, but to tell you the truth, I can’t imagine what that is. I know that it’s connected to the computer, but we don’t have that.
Arman, 25, unemployed lawyer
– The Internet helps to pass the time; the main thing is that it doesn’t “suck” [one’s time]. I have friends who are in internet clubs in the morning, then after work, they’re there again. Some play casino games, but mainly we meet and hook up with girls. It’s easier and cheaper like this; you get right to the point.
Ani, 21, student
– It would be impossible to study now without the Internet: all the essays and books are easier to find online.
– And social [networking] sites?
– Now, everyone makes use of these. I only communicate with friends or with very interesting people.
– And do you know that some say that they hook up with girls online?
– And what do I have to do with that? Perhaps, for some, it’s possible to “hook up,” but that means that it’s also possible for them without the Internet.