A situation has arose where Armenian-Russian friendship must be saved from this fake “show-trial,” believes Heritage Party Vice Chair Ruben Hakobyan, who, in today’s press conference, turned his attention to Russia extending the term of its military base in Armenia.
“I, as a TV journalist, as a citizen, as a politician, was offended when all of our programming was full of cajolery,” he said. According to Hakobyan, it’s possible that the majority is in favor, but “many moods” (opinions), said Hakobyan, haven’t made it on air.
“It’s incomprehensible that our politician on broadcast [television] says that even the C-300 sale to Azerbaijan is beneficial for Armenia. He says, yes, Russia is a little bit upset with us, because it’s looking for Eurovision personnel in government corridors. That is, they’ll be upset, why would Europe-educated people work for us?” asked the Heritage Party vice chair.
Hakobyan noted with regret that there’s a segment of Armenia’s political arena that doesn’t differentiate between strategic servitude and strategic partnership.
“I’m confident that for all those who must protect this contract, a green light is lit,” he said.
In Hakobyan’s opinion, the government itself should’ve created a situation whereby Russia would feel the Armenian side’s discontent.