Yearly Archives: 2010
October, 2010
30 October
Info Class on Religion to be Taught in All Turkish Schools
A class on culture, which will include information on all religions... -
30 October
North, South Korea Family Reunions Go Ahead Despite Firing
North and South Korea are holding another round of reunions... -
30 October
Halloween Tradition of Trick-or-Treating in Decline?
The number of trick-or-treaters seems to be dwindling each year. -
30 October
International Forums in Armenia Positive Influence on Political Prisoners’ Release: Brown
Each protest... -
30 October
Baku Considers Astrakhan Meeting Good Basis for Future Return of POWs
Baku considers Astrakhan's humanitarian declaration... -
30 October
Politicians Disappointed in Armenia’s Opposition Wish to Create Own Alliance
Union for National Self-Determination party leader... -
30 October
News Coverage of Opposition Candidates in Azerbaijan Elections Limited: OSCE Report
In its Oct. 29 report, the OSCE/ODIHR... -
30 October
FIFA Panel Looks to Improve World Cup in 2014
A FIFA task force will suggest ways of improving soccer (football)... -
30 October
Armenia Absent from Prosperity Index, Turkey Receives Poor Ranking
Turkey ranked only 80th among 110 countries... -
29 October
Student Council Ordered Students to Participate in Protest Against Local Daily?
Participating in the protest...