Home / Armenia / City Hall Prohibits Rally in Liberty Square. HAK Representative Says They’re Playing a Game

City Hall Prohibits Rally in Liberty Square. HAK Representative Says They’re Playing a Game

On Mar. 21, the Armenian National Congress (HAK) submitted a request to Yerevan City Hall to hold a rally on Apr. 8 at 5 pm in Liberty Square.

On Mar. 24, the municipality refused the request for a permit, citing other events to be held in Liberty Square on the noted day and the days following, for which city hall has already granted permission. Based on a decision by the Yerevan City Hall authorized representative, it was proposed to hold the rally outside the Matenadaran (Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts) on the requested day and time. The request for a march was granted.

Speaking to Epress.am, HAK representative Vahagn Khachatryan, who was present during the discussion at city hall, said he told the Yerevan City Hall authorized representative, Gagik Baghdasaryan, that the latter is fulfilling a political command, since such a decision is not based on law. According to Khachatryan, the “political order” is not to allow rallies in Liberty Square.

“This means that they, the authorities, consider themselves above the law. We’re not doing anything against the law… Standing before us is a man who, as [HAK leader Levon] Ter-Petrossian said, ‘we’re playing chess,’ begins to play at boxing. Here now you have to decide, is it worth fighting him or should you make your move?” he said.