Monthly Archives: November 2014
November, 2014
5 November
Armenian Political Prisoner Released From Prison
Tigran Petrosyan, who was sentenced to one year imprisonment in the case of political prisoners Shant Harutyunyan and his friends, was released from prison today... -
5 November
Discrimination in Armenia is Encouraged on a State Level: Statement
The statement presents the conviction that such attitudes toward citizens, sponsored on a state level, create an environment of impunity and fertile soil for stronger manifestations of hate crimes in the future... -
5 November
Top Priority is to Improve Psychiatric Patients’ Lives; Responding to Health Minister
The objective of monitoring closed institutions is not to reveal incidents, but to assess the situation, in order to find a solution to the issue and not to open a court case... -
5 November
Shant’s Revolution: Documentary on Armenian Political Prisoners
During the entire trial, Harutyunyan and his friends were announced that they were politically persecuted and that they did not accept the charges against them... -
4 November
Armenia’s Signed International Agreement Conflicts with EEU Treaty
- Armenia is the only CIS country that has really approached European Union standards, and now, we are changing our vector and going toward Russia and Belarus, whose legislation implementation level is much lower... -
4 November
Mutual Compromises in the Karabakh Conflict; Armenians and Azerbaijanis Sign a Joint Declaration
- Unfortunately, currently, we have a deadlocked situation in the official negotiation process. The current status quo can not continue indefinitely and the efforts to “freeze of the situation” do not work... -
4 November
Armenia’s EEU Treaty Demanded to be Publicly Discussed by Constitutional Court
The NGO notes that according to the law, international contracts at the Constitutional Court are discussed by written procedures, except for those situations where the contract is presented with large public interests... -
4 November
Education Minister Mentions “Grant-Eaters” When Asked About “History of Armenian Church” Class
-I don’t want to answer questions constructed with the logic of ‘if this or that happened.’ I respect the national minorities' rights and they are already dealing with the defense of their rights... -
3 November
Minister Calls For Whistleblowers of Psychiatric Facilities to call Police
“Such statements are considered to imply about a criminal act. The whistleblowers must inform law enforcement. Or if they are stating that the psychiatric facility’s director has privatized the patient’s... -
3 November
Appeals to Transfer Dead Soldier’s Case to Armenia Left Unresponded by Judicial System
“Already 10 days have passed and I haven’t received any letter, no rejection, no adoption, no justification for their silence. I’m preparing to discuss our next steps with the Ombudsman office’s lawyers,”