"The views expressed in publicist Zori Balayan's letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin are his own personal opinion," said the Nagorno-Karabakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to a request for comments from Epress.am.
Balayan, in his lengthy letter, cited the late Soviet and Russian politician Anatoly Sobchak, who said it's wrong to call it the "Karabakh problem," as it's more so "Russia's problem." Balayan called on Putin to remember this, reminding him that as a result of the Treaty of Gulistan concluded between Imperial Russia and Persia in 1813, Karabakh was given to Russia, and the treaty states that the responsibility for strictly implementing the agreement lies with not only the current leaders of Russia and Persia, but also their "heirs" and "successors". Balayan emphasized that "Russia and Persia signed a treaty for eternity" and urged Putin to visit Nagorno Karabakh.