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Ukrainian Citizen Attempted to Sell her Newborn in Moscow

Police have arrested two Ukrainian citizens in Moscow who were attempting to sell a newborn infant. 

The two women were caught near a McDonald’s. One of the women was attempting to sell her newborn daughter for $15,000 USD, reports Interfax news agency. Other reports state that the women had actually asked for $26,000 USD.

The baby was born on August 10 in a Moscow maternity hospital. In a week’s time, the baby’s mother and her partner succeeded in finding a buyer. According to Life News, the women wanted to sell the child for 1 million RUB, but settled on 800,000 RUB.

The buyer, becoming aware of the extent of the criminal act he was about to participate in, appealed to the police, who arrested the two women after the transfer of funds was made. 

Criminal charges have been brought against the women, who face up to 10 years imprisonment if convicted.