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Public Perception of Republican Party of Armenia Changing: Serzh Sargsyan

Public perception of the Republican Party in Armenia, especially among young people, is changing, according to party leader and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, who made such a statement at the 15th convention of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, held in Yerevan on Saturday. 

"The Party is becoming one of the key channels through which active citizens can deliver their abilities and ideas to various sectors of social life and achieve a higher level of self-realization. This is the reason we have ensured such a serious recruitment process at the Party. In spite of purging our membership roll periodically and not hesitating to fire different people from the Party, it continues to grow consistently.

"Yes, the Republican Party is the ruling political force which initiates and carries out almost all fundamental reforms in our country by facing short-lived discontents arising against them. At the same time, the Republican Party is gradually strengthening its positions in all communities thereby becoming a guide for communal life and a real respondent to existing problems, a respondent in word and deed. The striking illustration of this is the results of all the elections conducted since our last convention, especially the elections of local self-governing bodies in different communities in which the Republican Party has gained convincing victories continuing to lay down a firm foundation for coming works and victories," he said.

Sargsyan said the party's relations with the Russian political party United Russia "have risen to a new level" with reciprocal visits, joint events, and political meetings. In addition, contacts with the Communist Party of China have intensified.

"The Republican Party is the largest and densest social structure of our country which is represented in all populated areas and is present in all population groups, even in smallest ones. This offers a powerful and natural opportunity to deliver ideas and projects formulated in Yerevan to everywhere, test them with all our citizens, examine and bring them back in an enriched form. Moreover, this is the best mechanism to crystallize the concerns of all social layers through the party channel, work out and include them in the ongoing policy agenda. The peasant of Tavush’s Gosh village Artsrun Hovsepyan should not worry about who to apply and how to do it in order to have the issue of his house damaged from a landslide addressed, but should look for a republican living in his amidst being confident that the latter will help him to put his various concerns on the current policy agenda," said Sargsyan.