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Authorities Intend to Break Off Negotiations with Armed Group, Oppositionist Says

Alek Yenigomshyan, a member of anti-government movement Founding Parliament who’s been mediating as a negotiator between the National Security Service and the armed group occupying the Erebuni police station in Yerevan, said in a conversation with journalists Tuesday morning  that he was to receive the gunmen’s answer for the authorities by 7pm today.

“Currently, everything indicates that authorities want to break off the negotiations; we do, however, hope that’s not the case since as of yesterday evening the negotiations were not at a dead-end. Today I have to convey the [armed group’s] answer to the NSS officers by 7pm but we’re now having phone connection issues. If there’s no connection, I won’t be able to receive the guys’ answer, which means that the authorities intend to disrupt the negotiations,” Yenigomshyan said.

The oppositionist said he feared that authorities planned to soon storm the building. “I pray that they do not resort to such measures, and if they do, then the full responsibility for the consequences will fall on the ruling regime,” he added.

Yenigomshyan also noted that the group inside the police station had very little and very poor quality food; “Nevertheless, they keep their spirits high and the relations with the police officers inside are amicable.”