No village council meetings have been held in the village of Kasakh in Kotayk marz (province) since September 14 last year because the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) council members are boycotting them, reports local daily Zhoghovurd.
As a result, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Local Self-Government, the powers of the village council were suspended and new elections were appointed.
"Five of the council members were BHK members, while the remaining five were HHK [Republican Party of Armenia] members. The work of our community has been paralyzed for a year. I’ve often gone, asked, beseeched [them] to come, work; whatever we’re proposing, discuss it, and so on. They didn’t come and that’s it. Their aim was to delay for a year and then put forth [a motion of] no confidence against me, but their dreams remained in their stomach," Kasakh village mayor, HHK member Ara Mkrtchyan told the paper.
The government in its upcoming meeting must approve the decision to allocate 431 thousand drams (about $1,060) to hold council elections in the village.